The worst governmental system for controlling traffic and people resides and lives right here in the "Good Ole USA"…





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 The worst governmental system for controlling traffic and people resides and lives right here in the "Good Ole USA"…


Traffic camera’s are popping up all over the country.  We the people need to set up an earmark tax fund to pay individuals to go around with a sledge hammer and destroy these objects of Satan’s 666 control method.

Fight back you whimps!

Destroy these stationary speed trap cameras before they destroy the transportation commerce of this country which is only 5% (Percent) of the American Economy.


If all these new gadgets work;  and the Fag  Totalitarian government of the United States gets their way all the truck drivers in the USA will not be permitted to get a job because once a truck driver has 3 tickets on their record, that driver will  have to wait a total  3 years for those tickets to expire to get a job driving a truck.


Not only are the camera’s hurting the transportation commerce of the USA the cops sitting at the bottom of hills waiting for truck drivers trying to coast to conserve fuel and make up time on a straight  downhill road is killing the business.   This type of governmental thievery is called:  speed traps, which are an enormous revenue generation program for small towns that have no other way of making money nor do the pea brain people of  these type of towns have the thinking power to sustain a productive thought in order to make more money for that town.


Another thing I noticed is truck driver accidents are increasing because driver’s engines are governed to do only 55 to 65 miles per hour.  The result is the driver becomes sleepy and conditionally evolves into a less professional driver trying to get to his destination and roll’s the truck.


The American people need to put a stop to the financial fleecing of America especially when the fuel price is currently over $3.00 a gallon and people cannot afford to feed their families nor pay for utilities in their house.  The cops and negative traffic technology needs to lay off America a while.


 Or else…. 


We the non Fag population of America will fight back with everything available to us simply because we are the real Americans of this country and will not tolerate thieves stealing food out of our children’s mouths.


P.S. Organize and fight for your sick fag infested banana peeling country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





 Gabriel De La Vega Jr.


Source:  October 10, 2008

Written by: Gabriel De La Vega Jr.







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